Press & Media


Back in 2016, Laura discussed how overcrowding is often an issue with ClassPass accepted studio spaces. She explained how “overcrowding is also an issue because studio partners feel compelled to open up more slots in their classes during primetime hours as a result of the lost revenue from letting ClassPass customers in. But clients who feel the class was too crowded may not return.”

Laura explains that the days of being nonactive during pregnancy are now over, and that doctors are now encouraging their patients to stay active. Laura breaks down the most beneficial yoga positions to strengthen your body and bond with your baby during pregnancy.

"After giving birth to Sophia, I remained as passionate about fitness as ever, but realized so many moms felt they couldn’t prioritize their own fitness over the needs of their little ones. So I created a class where moms could get a good workout with their little ones in tow with nothing more than, well, a playground.” Laura gives new moms a well rounded playground workout that wont take time away from the family.

Laura, among other New York City fitness professionals give their recommendations that help you shop, cook, and eat better.

“Trust me, raising my daughter isn’t always a picnic. There’s no one else to help discipline when she disobeys, no other set of hands when she can’t sleep, gets sick, and wants water, breakfast, and help with her clothes, all at the same time. After she is asleep at night, there is no one else there to sit with. This is at times peaceful, lovely and incredibly rewarding.  And, and at other times, it feels completely and utterly lonely.”